When we talk about communication comes to my mind to define what is communication? and being simple, communication is "be as one", both sender and receiver must feel oneself in thought, be on the same frequency and people to achieve being Present (here and now).
One of the secrets of good communicator of ideas is to start by being a good receiver thereof (listening). The best sellers are people with the ability to listen to achieve genuine communication set.
This is why we first have to go to the world of other people and interest for them to achieve One feel.
The problem is that many times people keep physical silence to hear what the other is saying, but the chatter in my head will not leave me alone and starts to send information, for example, to be with your partner "that is not true, things did not go well "or with a customer" I know what you need. "
In both cases when you do this, you're breaking communication because you're not being one (the other might not notice but I sensed or perceived), in fact, sometimes I have been asked in the middle of a conversation "I're getting attention?", probably most of us has this ever happened to us and break the line to communicate clearly.
It's not easy because often the murmur of your little voice becomes very intense and do not even detect automatically because you have lived "quickly trying to think the best answer."
In my experience and practice, when you manage to be present and silence the little voice to listen to others, manage to sell or talks wonders and relationships that make your career and your life, and create communicative Harmony.
Hey, are you listening?
If you're now here and now reading this, I am communicating with you as the sender, but if your little voice began with questions and ideas in the body of this reading, communication of these ideas will not get to you and there will be no communication.
The question is: are you here and now when someone tells you something?
Create great communication
I hope GBY
@ Culebro
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