lunes, 10 de marzo de 2014

How can I really help others

Today I realized that many times we repeat the idea that "Nobody can give what he has" and in my life had a wrong perception that I want to share.

For example when someone has financial problems and asks for help, but you know (maybe the other person does not know) that you have even more financial problems that this person, I was a bit incongruous give me some advice about something I same I could not control because "I can not give what I have not."

Only today I realized when reviewing my notes, which will reap what we sow, and if you want to have good finances to help another to have them, it is perhaps true that I have not succeeded, but if no one helped keep my negative cycle and I can not leave my cardboard box to explore new ideas.

So what do I do?, I ask, for creating a good intention to help others out of their financial problem, I've noticed that over the great knowledge or experience is the clear intention to serve and help others so I help plant a seed out of my own problem and in doing so on the other I am also opening the possibility to learn new ways and options for walking. I just understand that ultimately NOT LOSE ANYTHING. In the process I'm honest and I can I Privacy Policy Tell the other person that I thought some options or alternatives, hopefully you can serve filled with a positive and clear intention to serve while I'm growing, I use two tech to help others in their problems and self-discipline to force myself to look for new options.

This is a breakthrough in my way of life, there is no limit to help others, there are only excuses so I can serve them, and I too along with the other person look for new ways to move forward together and they help us the joke is risking losing the fear and grow in your life.

The same can apply when trying to help a friend in her marriage even though mine is not the best, but it can build and sow great things without the pretext that "as I will help if I can with my life, "I have realized that it is a selfish and conformist position and we can change.

And I find myself realizing that serves to Everything in your life.

The question now is when will you start taking action, to be an actor of your life and not just a spectator of your problems?



miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Let it go

On many occasions the actions or events that we have in life leave us stuck in negative feelings or memories. Some of us work hard for us to let go of things, overcome, we were like broken records in the past repeating and repeating, trying to fix or assimilate something that is no longer present. And fortunately or unfortunately as you can not change that fact in the past, so if you can do is adjust your perception of this fact and let it go quickly.

If for some reason we have a difference with our partner, boss or friends and our relationship is rubbed, often try to acquire a position of Ego and maintain our position. The real question is that you want to "Be Happy or be right", I'd rather be happy, but in the end it's your choice.

Release the past and hold on to your present as the most valuable in the end as the name says is a gift your "Present".

The question now is when will you release your past to live intensely a Present?



sábado, 15 de febrero de 2014

My life is a Chaos!!!

It is a fact that life is constant chaos.

In this space that we occupy everything is moving, there is nothing constant or stable, everything is still evolving. This can be very exciting for some people and for others it could be depressing.

Why you can have clarity in your life, you must learn to manage the constant chaos and create a pattern of action that you can have stability. Let me explain with an example, if our life is a vehicle and must travel on a highway, we have to draw the line on this, because if not we would be like going into chaos by a path that is not defined nor its boundaries or its direction (the whys in your life), and this, if not clear, creates constant chaos, in fact many are in your vehicle and often do not know they have this address space or highway and that is why it it, set limits on one side and the other of this highway to, to create harmony within the chaos and live your life happy and driving.

But to do so we must understand that Joy and Passion plays two important roles, are the raw material to build that highway by which you want to move. The cheerful self and snatch a smile to others is a very important driver that will generate great stability. And passion is the inexhaustible energy that keeps you going even against the worst storm or tired.

So we will take action and have a smile for those around us and create a healthy joy (not mocking or making mockery of others), give others a great review of affection for anyone around us is to sow harmony.

Create fun for others is a fun and unique benefits and fruits activity, we are surrounded by many people who are like robots in their lives, such as a cashier at the supermarket, it's like a robot in his life, he was glad and snatch have a smile and make your day fun. Obviously it's highly recommended you start with your own home or your primary environment.

Do not give up creates great passion, great energy and positive attitude, your fight against passivity and inactivity, exercise, stop the excuses and eat well, change hours glued to the television or Facebook for activities such as walking, talking or even listening to music you love dancing. Remember that being tired or having no time is your little voice a pretext for not doing what you love and live happily.


The question now is: who are you going to make life fun today?



miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014


One situation that can cause a lot of stress and disharmony is uncertainty, not knowing what will happen, this is like leaving our lives in roulette and bet that something will help us in our lives.

I think this way because we would not like to drift uncontrollably.

When I look and I see things with a higher level of  Consciousness then I can start to see different things.

Consciousness is like seeing life from different floors of a building, having a consciousness of the 1st floor, can not understand that having a consciousness that is on the 25th floor, for more clear and detailed that you can explain the 25 to the 1st floor, the latter does not understand. When you're on the 25th floor you can clearly understand that your actions are creating your life, to the floor 1 is something you do not understand and what you do is blame your partner, boss or the government for all their problems.

So we're moving in our lives and many think that someone else has to do things in our lives to work. It however see the 25th floor they are the causes of their lives, there is no guessing if they act properly understood as the world moves from the heights reach to understand, see and feel everything falls effectively. They are fully aware that they plant their lives thinking, acting and speaking either positively or negatively. Uncertainty goes elsewhere because they understand that if they act properly can not go to negative. The first thing they do is acquire responsibility for what they did with their actions when they were in the lower floors and urges them to order and disable everything negative that could cause insertidumbre in their lives.

It may sound crazy, it will depend on which floor you live, but you're the one who built this life like it or not. If you begin to avoid as many situations uncertain, take control of your act.

To paraphrase my teacher Michael Roach "all our good and bad comes from us, as we have tried others in the past," that simple, but do not remember what you did, this will have an effect on your life, so today you can take control and start sowing acting, thinking and speaking, a life without uncertainties.

This is very effective if you see on top of the building and disappointing from the floor 1st floor.

The question today is what you do with your life today? And what want so much uncertainty in your future?



martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

Beyond the border

Beyond the border

Limits, Personal Development, Business Development, Sales and Leadership

When you are traveling around the world, I have observed many times as the territories of different countries use the term boundary to define the physical space they occupy, limiting or defining this site are powered sovereignty.
The curious thing about all this is that rather than trying to find the dividing lines between these countries, when I go on the plane and see through the window today still find it.
It's funny how we as human beings are capable of establishing borders or boundaries where none exist, then create a whole infra structure to protect swashbuckling these spaces.
Studying one of my masters, Bucky Fuller, observe that we are all called up this huge spaceship earth traveling at thousands of miles per hour in the universe and of which we are unaware.
I begin to understand that many times, some of us, we set boundaries or establish small (although we think they are very large), and the only limit is our ability to imagine and grow.
Funny how an elephant when it is small one leg tied to a string and tries several times to let go, but after several attempts to understand the limit and no longer try again in your life. Create a boundary or barrier in his behavior and when a huge elephant, just add a weak chain in his leg did not try again. He does not realize that he has grown just a little pulling may be easily released.
My great learning to be in Exeter (England), is that for many years I dont barrier not work somewhere with a different language to me, because others told me (and let me tie the string as the elephant) it would be better if he were calm and able to work in the huge Hispanic market and stop thinking nonsense.
Today I work in Europe doing what I love, and I have managed to break that chain, boundary or limit I had in my head.
My big thought is how many other strings can break in my life?.
My learning is that if I try, I'll never know if he could or not, so I remember a phrase my best friend (Tony) told me many years ago "friend of this world is that ateven".
You have to dare to do what you dream, risk, measure it, but be sure you give a step further to grow.
Remember that you accepted without questioning the barriers or boundaries of your life, now you are aware that no one can govern in the privacy of your thoughts, that's where you really live these borders.
I invite you to dare to do little things that give you confidence and help you to see that this world is your creation and you can see, feel and enjoy new horizons in your life, you lay aside the old beliefs that others chose for you and which you gave them strength (and perhaps could be someone you loved or love much like your parents or partner), recognizes his good intentions, but in the end you have to take the lead and complete control of your life loosin chains of attachment and ego.
The question is what border or barrier'll break in your life today?



PD. Remember that great seller no boundaries for their actions and a leader known as cross border and cross helping others grow and break old harmful beliefs for them.

The Superhero

When I hear the word superhero comes to me some times when you have to save the world, helping to protect others (in my case Ironman).

This thought seems very successful if we are clear and do not pollute with feelings of revenge, resentment and revenge.

So why do not we talk about the superhero who could be you in the lives of others, surely the little voice some of us began to tell us for example "I have enough trouble now and obligations to be thinking about being a superhero," come one better these superheroes to help me and save me. At the bottom of our hearts, that we, for someone to come to "save us" but the reality is that no one is coming to save you if you do not help others. As many of you know you have to give what we want, to plant a super saving another action that you return to that super power to your life. The problem is we do not know what to do, or hear sounds very nice but in the end what do I do? And if my self-esteem is a little low I can say things like I'm not good at that?.

But let's be practical, if not start growing your action, nobody will do for you, and take that responsibility is the first thing you should know.

The best way to do this for example is in the morning on a ride in the car turn the radio off for 4 minutes and think of one or two people who can help you help to create in your mind clearly thinking to run it that way and get to apply it, that action may simply help with your coffee or something simple to complex as you wish, or  you charge your newspaper from the floor to her desk, I suggest you start with things small. It may be that your you become an unexpected hero with a small action for you, but for the other person may mean life saving. This is no exaggeration, perhaps you take coffee to a girl in the office or known is something that say small and easy, but imagine if the other person is depressed, disappointed because their relationship is not going well, death or crossed a problem at the wrong time and become one of those inexplicable races that frankly, you want to die "Hang the towel", and suddenly you get a coffee from scratch. Guess what? Sure you become a great superhero.

This is awesome and real, in a workshop than I do, on occasion thought was a routine and boring work, but this morning I thought I could do something for someone, do not know who would be, but appeared to recognize a girl for their participation in the workshop when in the break approached me to tell me that, you just saved life was about to kill someone and commit suicide, I stayed froze, told me that a friend had given him the ticket for the program and that he had lived had rescued, was impressive in my life (this is a true stoy). The friend was a SUPERHERO, in the life of this person.

Many times we do not realize we can be angels else, because we do not value the small details, but you are a great hero to many people imagine a world with these characteristics would pass very well did I not.

Well you can create it and as a result create this for you, so stop complaining and blaming others for your life, take the reins and build the life you want and surely some superhero appears in your life.

The question is, are you going to take action? Or you will remain the most active in your own life loser. Who'll be the hero today?



jueves, 6 de febrero de 2014

The pressure of an important meeting

IYour mind is stirred to know you started an important meeting, you will enter a sales meeting, give a talk or you will ask him to marry your beloved. This is very common for most of us, and it is normal because we are close to having an event we know that in some way affects our lives, but the voice inside our head we start working, guessing and assuming countless situations that can potentially occur. But the reality is that 70% of these situations are imaginary, created by the little voice and will not occur.
I tell you what happened to me in London, had traveled several hours to get to a meeting of shareholders in a British company, I did not know all the people who submitted a proposal would also have to do it in a language different from mine. Of course I prepare a lot and consider what I should do and things that would have to explain and say, it seemed that I had to know I had it in my hard drive.
But minutes before the meeting my little voice started attacking me with questions like, what if you do not speak clearly? And if they want something else? What will happen if they ask you something you do not know what if I say no? , all this crap went through my head, and being honest for a moment I thought and, what need I have to do this?, but then had to stop and silence those voices in my head and retake control honestly not was easy, because in doing so he was starting another internal battle.
What I want to share is how I did it to get by?, For many may be evident and can fix it quickly, but for others it is not (I belong to the latter group).
So take action to breathe deeply a few times and I first became aware that he had just been kidnapped by my own little voice, I told him who sent, even if it seems absurd I said (and I said to myself out loud) "Here I command"
Then I opened the space to realize that I had to do something physical, like shouting, dancing or just put my attention elsewhere.
Do not over-study or turn around what I already knew, because this would give me a sense of impatience or anxiety.
After this prepare me to start, I went to the bathroom, and I focus on what I was doing.
I started to be "here and now", a presence and just let everything flow needed, trust me. ( I do all this in the lobby of a hotel full of people)
These steps you can use without any problem, and get great results, in my experience often what stopped me was my own insecurity and low self esteem in the end we fear to exposure publicly.
If you are and you present yourself as you are, that's the best card you can have in your life, I think.
Eventually after a long day of meeting after meeting the result was better than I imagined, and found that 70% of the questions and fears that had NEVER happened and existed only in my head. Beware, it is not safe and not leave everything to the inspiration or improvisation, is a matter of putting things in place.
Another important point because the meeting is to understand that if they ask you something you do not know can be honest and say I do not know, thank the person who question and seek an answer later. This was a great lesson too, do not need to know everything about everything, but sometimes you do not have the answer and try to turn it around and in many cases end up more lost.
The question now is, are you ready for your next meeting?



domingo, 2 de febrero de 2014

Best Communication

When we talk about communication comes to my mind to define what is communication? and being simple, communication is "be as one", both sender and receiver must feel oneself in thought, be on the same frequency and people to achieve being Present (here and now).

One of the secrets of good communicator of ideas is to start by being a good receiver thereof (listening). The best sellers are people with the ability to listen to achieve genuine communication set.

This is why we first have to go to the world of other people and interest for them to achieve One feel.

The problem is that many times people keep physical silence to hear what the other is saying, but the chatter in my head will not leave me alone and starts to send information, for example, to be with your partner "that is not true, things did not go well "or with a customer" I know what you need. "

In both cases when you do this, you're breaking communication because you're not being one (the other might not notice but I sensed or perceived), in fact, sometimes I have been asked in the middle of a conversation "I're getting attention?", probably most of us has this ever happened to us and break the line to communicate clearly.

It's not easy because often the murmur of your little voice becomes very intense and do not even detect automatically because you have lived "quickly trying to think the best answer."

In my experience and practice, when you manage to be present and silence the little voice to listen to others, manage to sell or talks wonders and relationships that make your career and your life, and create communicative Harmony.

Hey, are you listening?

If you're now here and now reading this, I am communicating with you as the sender, but if your little voice began with questions and ideas in the body of this reading, communication of these ideas will not get to you and there will be no communication.

The question is: are you here and now when someone tells you something?

Create great communication

I hope GBY


@ Culebro

The Miracle is on your side

Many of us are looking for the miracle of something in our lives, and we hope to see every moment, the funny thing is that we are so accustomed to miracles today we do not see.

If you look at everything around us is shocking miracles as we can see now, this message is a miracle. How much technology and other miracles have to happen that you can read this, if we could go back in time and bring with us a man of the eighteenth century and travel  for 5 days to around the world, would be impacted by the miracles that the would, phones, cars, get on a plane the dream of thousands of years of humans come true healing of a fracture, heart surgery and many other things. Surely say that we live in the sky so many miracles that are watching, imagine saying that in a IPhone could be seeing and talking to someone thousands of miles and all the information you wish to be free on the Internet. It would be a miracle to live well, and probably still admiring the miracle of how a body can only heal flu, or breathing during sleep automatically, continue to monitor the miracles of nature. Would really impacted and we could ask what do all these miracles to be happy? How are generating wealth for all?, How strange it would be our answer, that for you and for me this is standard, we might say what miracle ?.

We expect a miracle something different and spectacular, the say wow and all they have is no different and spectacular.

Our sense of wonder is lost and the miracle that we live in today has been prostituted.

The problem, I think, is not a miracle, it's what we do with it.

I invite you to reflect for a minute and notes with this view how many miracles are happening around you at this time, and certainly if you're honest you'll be amazed.

Gratitude for the miraculous things that happen to us is essential to create sensitivity to grow and live to help others.

What are you doing with your life?



Consciousness of my Mistakes

Some of us have been wrong in some area, sometimes we are aware to other, we do not simply "intent" but hurt someone else and in the end we hurt ourselves for the boomerang effect.

Normally we hurt the ones we love or closer have in our life, which would seem a little silly but it is.

Trying to understand that we are imperfect and that in this life you reap what you sow (boomerang effect), the concern arrived at my door to think about all the occasions in which I have offended anyone (even from primary with funny antics) that effect will uppss planting those seeds in my life, if I understand well that my actions are small seeds and large trees come out of these, I would not expect the negative boomerang effect. Need to do anything to remove the effect of grandeur and prevent those seeds become huge trees that bloom only a twig that wiped fast not produce unwanted effects in my life.

Again the wisdom of thousands of years play my door to give me a very effective recipe I found in a Diamond Cutter Institude course (DCI) in the city of Guadalajara.

This time I realized that there is a proven technique that has worked (which I used) and it always works.

There are 4 steps that will help clean the garden of your life.

Step 1: you need to be aware of the boomerang effect. If there is no consciousness there is no change, no one can change what you do not know and sometimes we refuse to be honest and forthright to gauge the effect of our actions.

Step 2: Intelligent contrition. Realizing the mistake, but under all circumstances avoid the blame or victimize, I say Smart contrition, no says wrongful or victimizing. Be careful to understand what you did and the effect it produces. This also has the small line of becoming Sinic.

Step 3: Commitment to you. You have to establish a clear time for do not ever commit this fault, it was specified and realistic. Some times it is important to be honest in terms of time, may for example not be angry with my partner the next two hours, perfect!. So you have a real purpose amendment clear that any action you can put, never in this life, if it's something you really never want to do or participate but can realistically accomplish.

Step 4: Antidote. Remembering the boomerang effect now have to plant something positive to plant something big to help us create the future we desire.

Now the question that popped into my head was Ok, do this and it works as this and it is not only a beautiful work of reflection and good heart.

My biggest surprise was when I explained that to do this and stop the boomerang return, to stop in the air this would produce less effect, such as a headache, a small tap or something much less than what would happen with full effect of our negative action, this would be checked with the effect actually finished. And it's funny when you start doing this and for example you stick in a chair, your head is a recall or photo negative that just blending. Honestly when I started with this had a huge collection that I wanted to finish and in doing so I felt much better, with a few taps but now gave me happiness and laughter. And indeed it has not curse anyone remember by tapping to avoid sowing more negative.

The question now is when you're starting to take the negative boomerang force of your life?



sábado, 1 de febrero de 2014

Respect me!

People do not respect me, for example, my boss does not respect me and my family not even my parents do not. I received this comment from some people.
Many times I heard that we need to talk to others to tell them that they are doing, not to respect us or those we love, is something we must solve talking or discussing it, but after a while I realized that sometimes works and others do not.
Upon reflection that sometimes works and sometimes not, I remain surprised how trusted a process that does not really work. For example when we have an iPod that turns sometimes and not others and do not know when it will turn on, which we conclude is that the iPod does not work, this does not have to discuss anything is something clear.
But interestingly in our relationships we can talk to others about who we respect ourselves or those we love and not always work, as the iPod, which shows that our system troubleshooting is wrong.
We have to find a more effective way to make things run forever. The solution to this problem lies in trying to find the root problem, which is the cause of causes to get the effect we want (respect), for this we need to look at that part of our life we ​​are not respecting others , most of the time we begin to analyze ourselves, we minimize things on our behalf and say for example "I respect everyone"
 or "just not that exaggerated," but the reality is that small actions we do trigger great results, remember that a small watermelon seed produces beautiful and giant watermelons.
So what should we see on that part of our lives we do not respect people in their conversations and interrupt, or when concentrated in an activity or working the interrupt or worse no reason to kill an ant without respecting their life because we craving ( do not fall at the end of blackmail and say "why does") all these activities are producing the disrespect that time in your life.
You can take your life with the responsibility you want, or bores you to do things that always work and create your new life or you're still a victim of your own actions in the end this is your life and no one can get.
The question today is Who're starting to respect?

Recognize to grow

On my way through life the universe has surrounded me with innumerable teachers who have helped me to understand and discover the potential that lies within me and all  humans beings. This teachers transfer their wisdom so that we can open up quickly to better circumstances in life.

It is often so strong the knowledge that others give us and fits so well in our logic to discover awakens some of us we forget who or who pushed that little seed, making it flourish in us a beautiful forest of Joy and Knowledge.

These great masters, in my case, people are not realized what really awakened in my life in many instances and the result has been blooming beautiful forests, jungles and gardens of wisdom in front of me.

We all have great teachers and your partner, friends, parents, children and gurus in your way, for me today is a day of thanks and appreciation to these great masters.

Something I've learned is that "we are all born geniuses," so says Bucky Fuller Minster, we just should find out. and these teachers (who we recognize in our lives), when we have the forest we forget the seeds that led to this and the Ego and arrogance make her an appearance.

We are glad telling us about our beautiful forest and all it cost us (which holds true) but whenever I recognize a sentence, the source of knowledge of your forest is much more harmonious.

In my case it has not been easy, by the dynamics of my life.

Some are used to not be aware of these teachers, so we try to make certain high to recognize them.

Today all of these words this awakening was thanks to one of my great teachers Geshe Michael Roach is, so I give my deep gratitude to him.

Whenever cites phrases or ideas from a teacher or other credit admit it and give that which will make you much more humane and best leader further magnify your wisdom.

And you and you recognize who were your teachers?

I hope



viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

Your hard drive is not unlimited

Today I want to write about as pointless possessions when we have our mind hard disk becomes slower and this hinders us to have clarity and achieve what we are in this life.
Many of us, including myself, think that when we have material things we accumulate wealth, but that's not entirely true, you must learn to make things flow, so that you will keep coming better things, you have to do this consciously. If you have something for the last 6 months not using it and make it flow better find a better place for this, this is a very healthy practice and keeps us active and ready to play a big game and not give new expectations for to the everyday, you out of your comfort zone.
I know this for many can be viewed or heard as something very crazy, but if you analyze properly make much sense for everyone.
The Universe will return what you do, now you're going to get something, let it flow this in your life, you must take care that your emotion and intention are very powerful, with a high degree of generosity and desire to help others, so that you can send the universe signal HEY LORD UNIVERSE HERE I AM, this is important because what you give and how you give is what you receive in the future, and if you give it with anger and envy, the universe wise will provide you the same.

There is one exception, when you accumulate has a real sense and tried to help others, is like using an external hard drive, because this action exalt you more. But be careful not to fall into justify and keep a mental game in which you can say, well this "could" serve someone in the future and that's why I keep it, when in the background is a great attachment that you really need for the things and will not let you move on.
The question is when are you going to move everything you have not worn in 6 months? And here are going to benefit from your generosity and good intentions, giving you that we no longer use?



Best Communication

When we talk about communication comes to my mind to define what is communication? and being simple, communication is "be as one", both sender and receiver must feel oneself in thought, be on the same frequency and people to achieve being Present (here and now).
One of the secrets of good communicator of ideas is to start by being a good receiver thereof (listening). The best sellers are people with the ability to listen to achieve genuine communication set.
This is why we first have to go to the world of other people and interest for them to achieve ONE feel.
The problem is that many times people keep physical silence to hear what the other is saying, but the chatter in my head will not leave me alone and starts to send information, for example, to be with your partner "that is not true, things did not go well "or with a customer" I know what you need. "
In both cases when you do this, you're breaking communication because you're not being one (and eye, the other might not notice but I sensed or perceived), in fact, sometimes I have been asked in the middle of a conversation "I're getting attention?", probably most of us has this ever happened to us and break the line to communicate clearly.
It's not easy because often the murmur of your little voice becomes very intense and do not even detect automatically because you have lived "quickly trying to think the best answer."
In my experience and practice, when you manage to be present and silence the little voice to listen to others, manage to sell or talks wonders and relationships that make your career and your life, and create communicative Harmony.

Hey, are you listening?

If you're now here and now reading this, I am communicating with you as the sender, but if your little voice began with questions and ideas in the body of this reading, communication of these ideas will not get to you and there will be no communication.
The question is: are you here and now when someone tells you something?
Create great communication
I hope 


@ Culebro

I Buy?

Someone asked me if I was a salesman, my immediate answer was yes, but in my head seller a question is what? Came, I started trying to analyze me and understand what was selling and what was selling.
With this play of ideas and conversation with myself began to make stronger and more effective (was talking to my own little voice) trying to understand what sold, after a few seconds I threw my little voice told me a few words and whispering in inside, "you see, the end did not sell anything" and for a second I accepted without testing their opinion, but seconds later I realized that she (my little voice) I had already sold the idea that I was not selling anything. What a moment of clarity to understand that the most difficult sale that I make to myself of my own ideas!
Even in these internal messages that my little voice and I was convinced that I do not sell anything, there had been a sale in which I accepted that sold nothing.
I realized that the power is within you and many things in this life have to do with selling, you have in your life your own beliefs, mental buttons or patterns that you have dominated for years and do you live in so Automatic (say my "zombie dad") and often you are aware of them but do not act and many more you realize NO.
So I decided to write to make clear that these sales can determine my actions in life, now the question is how many sales ideas, you do not want, has made you a little voice? When are you going to take control of the most important sale in life? The beliefs of your own!
I hope


Celebrate the successes of other

When I ask people,  ask me or anyone else to me, if I'm happy when a contestant gets some success, or when a family member or close friend wins an increase or improvement in your life, the first answer is "sure, give me glad that I have achieved", but in doing an honest review in the privacy of my being I realized that most of the time did not have that clear and positive sense of joy, actually had a hassle.
So life put me off the solution, reading a book called "The Karma of Love" (Geshe Michael Roach) and asking others, I realized that most act like and say "of course I was happy, or that was crazy not to, he's my brother, son or friend ", but basically for most of us bother, this is much more common than you can imagine, so if you're reading this and you identify welcome to the club. Frankly you need a high degree of personal honesty to not deceive yourself and be honest about your feelings.
I know many reading this you are a little upset and feel observed themselves to make conscious that reaction, but in order to fix or change some attitude we must first recognize and thus able to approach and implement a solution.
Once I recognized that attitude is the secret surprise at the exact moment you feel discomfort for some positive (or even negative) thing that happens to someone. This is like playing catch the mouse, you must be very careful and patience to self-observe you, see the right time when the mouse hovers mustaches, do not punish or suffer to see you like, or start saying how bad you are for have that kind of thoughts, watching you as you are moving forward to help.
When you begin to feel discomfort observed coming from you, that the action or external act of the success or failure of the other comes from you, you are activating something you can control or adjust, takes a little time and practice, but if you make it fun can happen as me, in the middle of a board meeting or even, I hear something that activates the mouse out of the trap and I start to laugh at the stupid things I'm thinking and absurd jealousies and annoyances.
There is also a very powerful and fun addition. By the night when you get to your bed and after the turmoil of the day with stress, traffic problems, relax. Treat yourself 3 minutes sacred joyful and successful seeing. This reads very easy but it costs a lot of work on it to give us 3 little minutes of joy, this aid directly to not feel the discomfort or unhealthy desire for those around us, and ensure that during your sleep your brain change the program of the day no very positive (sometimes), by one powerful to keep you alert your life.
The question is how can you ensure you do 3 minutes of exercise every day?
I've only given you the suggestion to practice this but the action and decision to do so is yours alone



You want to control everything?

Many people feel a need to bring all things under our control: at work, on a project at home with family or in our relationships. We have the little voice in our  head "if I check or do not control me, they will not do well. "
This may have a point, but most people are this way do not realize that there is an inner need for recognition in them, their ego grows both the extent of believing that no one else can do better than or equal to they even say "which ego? wish and help me." The funny thing is that in a high percentage if you will miss the activity or work in less than two weeks someone else to do it and you would be surprised how many they could do as well or better than you.
I do not want to tell you that you become irresponsible and now just leave everything, I want you to know is that if you start to understand that as you loose, teaching and educating others, your life will improve. Uppss! but in everyday life many people in their jobs or businesses say "no, how do you think I'm going to teach my secrets to others? not crazy, imagine, lose my job." This is not true, the reality is that this attitude will produce in your life is that others want to control you or anybody teach you how to grow, because what you do to others what crops to yourself.
Imagine if you did not, and will educate you to help the people around you, to learn and the will motivate you to grow and even you gave them tasks that they could perform to the best of your ability (but honestly let them grow), when your boss or the owner of the company has to cover a new position, who do you think is the best?, surely the person who help educate and train others, so that his teammates believe and help would be recognized at the natural leader .
I know that for many it may sound absurd and they will say "you do not know how things move here" or "how can I not control my house or my partner?" You have no idea that this new way of seeing things, this new way of acting towards others but especially for yourself will help you be more effective and grow much more than they have done so today.
I repeat what I say in my workshops: try it for 4 weeks, notes, make a journal and see what happens in your life. Clearly, breaking your comfort zone or your controller pattern is very difficult and you may feel insecure at first and want to return back to what you were doing before, but calm! be patient and I guarantee your life will be much more effective and harmonious.
The question is about who you're starting to have more confidence in your life today? Are you willing to give up control?




When I was in high school, (huyyyy some years ago), I remember that men and women talk about keeping a journal in which we could be writing the most important event was fun and many girls defended very quietly that no one could see his diary or as some called it his confessional.

I do not remember that place lost this habit, what struck me is that yesterday to receive a review of a publication ( and I spent the 25 reasons to keep a diary or journal, I realized that many people like me at some stage in their lives brought this daily practice.
Why is it important to keep a diary?, Beyond all deep and scientific characteristics I read the article (very interesting), I think that your writing in a notebook with a pen your daily Ideas helps you let off steam and reflect as have been your days at the end of each day and in the mornings as you visualize for the coming day.
Right now many of us may think that this could be a waste of time in our busy lives and actually honestly would not know where to start. For this reason I will help you with some tips that I've practiced, to take action and you can use this powerful tool that can change your perception and can really help you measure your life.
Let me tell you something that probably you know, but what we do not realize many times "90% of your life happens at night" what queee?, You read right, 90% of the things we did last week not remember, you do not know which were your moods, clothes you wore or thoughts you had, surprisingly, so when we grow or change is difficult to realize. Now with a Journal (diary or confessional) we can go see our progress or not and we have to learn ourselves to make this life more pleasant and happy place to live.
But how to start?, Get a notebook, do not do it on a device moved or computer, as long as you use a pen and write, in this process thousands of neurons and emotions involved, while on a mobile device or computer only a 15 neurons.
Start the morning with 3 min and respondiendolo asking this in your notebook:
Does a goal for today?
What can I do to help others today?
What are the 5 things that these grateful today?
At night before bed 3 min:
What did you do today that increased value to my life?
What are the most important things today?
What are you happy now?

This is a very effective guide, of course you have to customize it as you like, but for those that cost us a bit of work to start, this guide can help you a lot.
So now the question is when are you going to take action in your life and you will begin to have control of your life?


PD. Journaling is an essential tool of the leading and most effective people in this world.

Value of time


Normally when I start my workshops first thing I do is thank people for their time. Because for me is the most important asset or assets that we have, is not renewable and if a person gives you what we should appreciate it very much.
Now I will take an example from Michael Roach, also makes perfect sense to me. Some years ago (I) had the opportunity to work in a restaurant where the bread prepared for that people could enjoy freshly baked, it's amazing what happens behind this process so that you can enjoy a delicious biscuit. His creation is huge, if you will add people and the time involved is incredible, from the person processing the flour, butter, who pack, load, all others add to this with different ingredients until container arrives at the bakery, where baker kneading all starts at 5 am after leaves stand, and decorate it arrives at your table, and you enjoy it and you eat it with great taste in just 5 minutes, never imagining that behind.
It's amazing how not appreciate the value of time for each person I spoke. Many say selfish, and why! I paid to have it. That's not the point, because your money can not buy two minutes of anyone's life. I learned several years ago when my second son died, all the money and gold in the world did not help me to buy a second life of my little boy.
Not to be dramatic with this I want to try, first thank you for reading this, and then stir up some awareness and appreciation for the people involved give their time in your life, first you love and surround you, and also those that neither even met, but who gave their time for something that benefits you today.
Today I am grateful for the time of the people involved creating this phone, pc or tablet where I can write.
Thank you very much for your great time and delivered to you for reading this article.
The question is with whom you be grateful for your time today?




Why am I going wrong with me in life?
This is a very common question when we have a series or days that are not what we wanted and things go wrong, often the first thing that comes to mind can be expressions like eg. "Life is not fair" or "because of the government ..." or "If I had been born in another cradle" or "if my boss was ..." All these expressions are a reflection of something that we are going in our lives. Let me tell you something, as I've thought a lot of these things and after a while I thought about it would be very sad not to have control of my own life. That's why I gave myself the task of researching and studying whether we are lying at infinity to the whims of others or at some point we can take control of our lives. And at the end I realize that we create our whole life, our beliefs shape it to what we experienced.
Understanding this requires a fundamental principle HIGH  Responsibility me, where there are six factors that are not negotiable:
One. Stop denying the things that you know that you're creating for your bad habits.
Two. Stop you justify your actions yourself.
Three. Stop blaming others for what you are.
April. Stop playing the victim.
May. Stop giving up your dreams.

If you want to grow up and take control of what I live every day, these six points that I learned from my good friend Blair Singer, must have a clear place in my head.
You create your world, and that world is created by the agreements and beliefs that you have.
I'll give you an example
Who controls your mood?
Many people leave the responsibility for your happiness in the hands of others, and live believing they are happy or angry by what others say or do them. But this is not true! responsibility for your happiness, anger or bitterness is in your hands, you change your mood because you want or what you want, if you apply the above 6 points, you should see your mood as the first not deny yourself that this feeling comes and comes on you, understand that another does not control your life, stop being thinking how to justify that I'm angry, do not say something like "by you or by the I'm angry" (You're angry because you want) , and please do not start saying "is that I do this always happen or neck I will be happy" because only these making you the victim, and finally get up and still fails to stop your dreams without giving up what you deserve.
At the end you create your life and decide to play it as you want, NO ONE ELSE CAN LIVE YOUR LIFE, NO ONE!! At the end of these on your own, or the person you love or the one that you trust you can put your mind and help you, and obviously you either can do it with another, you never know who is really thinking someone else just imagine or suppose (which is exhausting) what others think or believe it is their responsibility not yours.
Take responsibility for your life at work, family, your health, business and money.
If you keep being responsible and watching you when you're not, you will gradually get what you want.
Please see how many years have you not being responsible, and shows the number of years and involves at least 20% of the time (which has not been responsible) at least for now change your life and create what you want to be your's principal actor of what you want to be very responsible.
The question is when will you start being responsible for your life?

