IYour mind is stirred to know you started an important meeting, you will enter a sales meeting, give a talk or you will ask him to marry your beloved. This is very common for most of us, and it is normal because we are close to having an event we know that in some way affects our lives, but the voice inside our head we start working, guessing and assuming countless situations that can potentially occur. But the reality is that 70% of these situations are imaginary, created by the little voice and will not occur.
I tell you what happened to me in London, had traveled several hours to get to a meeting of shareholders in a British company, I did not know all the people who submitted a proposal would also have to do it in a language different from mine. Of course I prepare a lot and consider what I should do and things that would have to explain and say, it seemed that I had to know I had it in my hard drive.
But minutes before the meeting my little voice started attacking me with questions like, what if you do not speak clearly? And if they want something else? What will happen if they ask you something you do not know what if I say no? , all this crap went through my head, and being honest for a moment I thought and, what need I have to do this?, but then had to stop and silence those voices in my head and retake control honestly not was easy, because in doing so he was starting another internal battle.
What I want to share is how I did it to get by?, For many may be evident and can fix it quickly, but for others it is not (I belong to the latter group).
So take action to breathe deeply a few times and I first became aware that he had just been kidnapped by my own little voice, I told him who sent, even if it seems absurd I said (and I said to myself out loud) "Here I command"
Then I opened the space to realize that I had to do something physical, like shouting, dancing or just put my attention elsewhere.
Do not over-study or turn around what I already knew, because this would give me a sense of impatience or anxiety.
After this prepare me to start, I went to the bathroom, and I focus on what I was doing.
I started to be "here and now", a presence and just let everything flow needed, trust me. ( I do all this in the lobby of a hotel full of people)
These steps you can use without any problem, and get great results, in my experience often what stopped me was my own insecurity and low self esteem in the end we fear to exposure publicly.
If you are and you present yourself as you are, that's the best card you can have in your life, I think.
Eventually after a long day of meeting after meeting the result was better than I imagined, and found that 70% of the questions and fears that had NEVER happened and existed only in my head. Beware, it is not safe and not leave everything to the inspiration or improvisation, is a matter of putting things in place.
Another important point because the meeting is to understand that if they ask you something you do not know can be honest and say I do not know, thank the person who question and seek an answer later. This was a great lesson too, do not need to know everything about everything, but sometimes you do not have the answer and try to turn it around and in many cases end up more lost.
The question now is, are you ready for your next meeting?