viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

Value of time


Normally when I start my workshops first thing I do is thank people for their time. Because for me is the most important asset or assets that we have, is not renewable and if a person gives you what we should appreciate it very much.
Now I will take an example from Michael Roach, also makes perfect sense to me. Some years ago (I) had the opportunity to work in a restaurant where the bread prepared for that people could enjoy freshly baked, it's amazing what happens behind this process so that you can enjoy a delicious biscuit. His creation is huge, if you will add people and the time involved is incredible, from the person processing the flour, butter, who pack, load, all others add to this with different ingredients until container arrives at the bakery, where baker kneading all starts at 5 am after leaves stand, and decorate it arrives at your table, and you enjoy it and you eat it with great taste in just 5 minutes, never imagining that behind.
It's amazing how not appreciate the value of time for each person I spoke. Many say selfish, and why! I paid to have it. That's not the point, because your money can not buy two minutes of anyone's life. I learned several years ago when my second son died, all the money and gold in the world did not help me to buy a second life of my little boy.
Not to be dramatic with this I want to try, first thank you for reading this, and then stir up some awareness and appreciation for the people involved give their time in your life, first you love and surround you, and also those that neither even met, but who gave their time for something that benefits you today.
Today I am grateful for the time of the people involved creating this phone, pc or tablet where I can write.
Thank you very much for your great time and delivered to you for reading this article.
The question is with whom you be grateful for your time today?



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